Wasting time lying in the grass…heavenly!

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Isn’t that the best… we all probably need to do that a bit more. Can you image how much more calm and stress-free we would be. I am going to do it today!

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Love it or on the beach

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Well given the choice BEACH! Always.

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Haha that why we moved here

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Others might not agree... but mountains for me :-).

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Hey Melissa, this is a really heartfelt and insightful post! I totally relate since I lost my dad and a few other family members in recent years. Reading what you wrote embodies one of the ways I cope with it—which is to keep moving forward and continue to find better ways to move forward while also lifting up others. Thank you so much for posting this! Your newsletter is awesome by the way! Just subscribed! :)

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It’s a sad club to be in - losing a dad… and then other family members too soon after. Your words light me up - thank you for taking the time to comment! I have learned through the grief that I can be incredibly sad, and incredibly happy at the same time. That is a gift that I hope you feel too :-).

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Thank you so much for this sweet comment Melissa! It really means a lot! The same to you as well. Keep up the great work! :)

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I need to waste more time ^^ meaning have more me time and more date nights with my hubby.

The interview with Valentin inspired me to go to bed earlier :) this helps me to have more fun with the kids and my famly during the day, during work etc.

Great signature and "write with the end in mind" post

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I can't wait to waste some time this weekend! :-). Thanks for reading and restacking this. It was an off the cuff piece and it felt good to get it off my chest. It's always a bonus feeling it might help someone else :-).

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