Aug 29Liked by Melissa Scala

I love how you organized this newsletter. Love the problem + solution intro to each section - very to the point! For me, the biggest obstacle is making sure I do groceries a couple of times a week (European style) so we never run out of food. If healthy food is always available, it's more convenient and easier to reach for it than ordering out.

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Thanks! Are you able to get groceries pretty quickly? My weekly trip takes up a few hours of my weekend.

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Aug 30Liked by Melissa Scala

Yes, here grocery shopping is a little different than back home. Whereas in the States, we load the car all the way, here it’s customary to go shopping a few times a week to pick up enough for 1-3 days. There refrigerators are smaller so by default you can’t buy as much food. It's a double-edged sword. Food is always fresh but then you have to go get it more often.

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I might experiment and try shopping multiple times a week instead. I often buy too much produce and don’t get it used in time. If i don’t freeze it, it ends up in the trash, sadly.

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Aug 31Liked by Melissa Scala

The key is to attach it to something you're already doing. I take my son to soccer practice twice a week, so I try to go during the time he's on the field since it's about 30 minutes away and I have nothing else to do. Works out great!

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Oh yessss great advice there!

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Great solutions Melissa. I always wonder why changing eating habits seem to have the biggest push back with people. People think it is so hard when in reality it really isn’t.

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I think a lot of it is mindset because once you dig in, it really isn’t that hard - BABY steps! :-)

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Yes, it all starts with mindset.

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Remembering when we truly feel alive

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Yesssss 🩵

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